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Josiah Martin • April 4, 2022

2021 Annual Report–By the Numbers

The Ohio Poverty Law Center is proud to share its 2021 Annual Report “By the Numbers.” We successfully advocated for investments in the expansion of high-speed internet, health coverage for new mothers, and lead poisoning prevention. We released reports, provided testimony on legislation, commented on proposed rules, and worked with dozens of partners. Our year’s work adds up to better opportunities for low-income Ohioans.

We appreciate your support of our work!

Best Interests of the Child Should Remain the Focus of Custody and Parenting Time Arrangements

Under current Ohio law, a court’s primary focus when dividing custodial rights and parenting time is determining the best interests of the child. A new bill proposes to change that. As introduced, House Bill 508 makes the best interests of the child a secondary consideration for courts and could lead to unjust outcomes for victims of domestic violence and low-income Ohioans.

HB 508 creates a “rebuttable presumption” that equal decision-making and parenting time is in the best interests of the child. A parent would have to overcome a high evidentiary standard to prove that it would be detrimental to the child. OPLC is concerned that standard used to rebut the presumptions of equal time and decision-making rights will be difficult for many pro se litigants to understand and overcome, and it is likely to lead to unjust orders when one party is represented by counsel and the other is not. Additionally, HB 508 would take away necessary discretion from courts, which could result in harmful outcomes for children and survivors of domestic violence. HB 508 would be especially harmful for low-income victims who may not have the resources to challenge an equal-time presumption.

Walk or Run to Support OPLC

The Student Bar Association at the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law is hosting the 2022 Race Judicata 5k Run/Walk. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Ohio Poverty Law Center.

The event will be held virtually, however, the race organizers plan to create informal running groups at set times and locations within Columbus for those who would like to run/walk the 5k with other competitors.

The race week will be from Monday, April 18th at 8:00 a.m. through Sunday, April 24th at 6:00 p.m., during which participants may submit their times to be posted on the race leaderboard. Register by April 15 to participate and support OPLC.

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