The legislature returns this week from its summer break. There are several bills pending that will help remove barriers to employment by expanding record sealing and treatment in lieu of conviction, allowing record expungement, changing drug sentencing statutes, and overhauling Ohio’s occupational licensing system to give more opportunity to Ohioans with criminal records.
We are supporting some of these bills and working to improve others. But we need your help! We need stories of Ohioans who have missed out on employment or occupational licensing opportunities because of their criminal records. If you have any clients or contacts that have experienced these barriers, please let us know by contacting Megan O’Dell at or 614-824-2621.
HB285, the bill which expands eligibility and makes the Initiative permanent, will have sponsor testimony on Tuesday, Sept. 10. We are encouraged that the bill was scheduled for a hearing as soon as they returned from summer break. We are reaching out to members of the House Transportation and Commerce Committee to encourage swift action on this bill.
It is probably not news to you, but according to the State of Working Ohio 2019 report, released by Policy Matters Ohio, low-income Ohioans are struggling despite the longest economic expansion in history.While unemployment is extremely low at the state and national level, Ohio job growth has stalled, Ohio labor force participation is lower than it has ever been, and Ohio wages have not caught up to previous peaks.The report finds that state and federal policymakers have cut taxes for the wealthiest, leaving communities with insufficient resources to invest in the next generation, treat addiction, and address effects of climate change like floods and lake pollution.
Additional findings include:
Contact OPLC for more information:
Susan Jagers
General OPLC information, Consumer issues
Tim Johnson
Education, Health, and Children Services
Graham Bowman
Medicaid and Public Benefits,Family Law
Megan O’Dell
Employment issues, Housing